Friday, November 5, 2010

More Explorations

   So I had to go to the lab on my birthday today, but it was still fun because my MicroAquarium gifted me with some new organisms to look at.  I saw a new amoeba today that had a single flagella and another amoeba with a flagella coming out each end.  I identified the first amoeba as Paranema.  Then while I was observing another amoeba, a Rotifer decided to pass by and devour it.  I also saw some flatworms or Stenostomum swimming around.  I saw a bunch of Paramecium bursaria as usual.  I saw a lot more cyanobacteria than I have seen in my last labs.  And then I was scanning the stem of a Plant B, I saw something very interesting.  Inside one of the bladders of Plant B, Utrichularia gibba, I noticed what looked like hundreds of paramecium squirming around.  I studied them for a while then followed a passing flatworm.  I was also able to get a couple good photo's during this lab.  All in all it was a successful lab. Thank you for reading.

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Paramecium Bursaria

Paramecium Bursaria